I think I’ve written about several things like this in the past, touching on the ‘micro-tells’ a body betrays itself with. If I recall the photograph and post you mean, he was against a wall with his legs spread slightly, as if waiting. Since I can’t locate that post for direct reference, I will use this one as a stand in. Same basic idea, just the nuances are different based on boy/situation.

Part one: Erogenous Zones.
Arousal causes changes in ‘texture’ of skin, as well as it’s color. Gooseflesh, taught or tight skin, blush or paleness, all these tell me where blood is moving based on his level of arousal. To the common eye a pink cheek is a sign of being sensually stimulated for some boys, but to me i look elsewhere to see where his body is asking for touch. The most sensitive are rarely the brightest places or the most covered in excited bumps; the opposite is often true.The places where the skin is thin, or pale or tight, is where blood is moving away from and that is where you will find the greatest responses. If my goal (and it usually is) is to engage the entire body in what I’m doing it becomes a game of cat and mouse, redirecting the blood in his body with touch and sensation in other areas. It’s entirely possible to ‘drain the blush’ from a boy by stimulating his body elsewhere. It will come back but there will be a color change when it’s done right just as you can watch that same blush rise up his torso as he comes close to reaching a mechanical climax.
In this example I can see a few places (not the best lighting for a ‘spot’ check, but it will do) that I can point out to illustrate what I’m talking about as well as to make it clear that there is a difference between ‘in the area’ and ‘on the spot’ when you’re analyzing a persons sensual centers.
First up is the most obvious to me is the object of focus for this photo: his butt. This tells me he’s proud of it, finds it attractive or at least knows that others do. This means its a place he accepts attention easily. I call things like this the ‘handshake’ body part. When ‘waking a boy’ up, spots like this will get the least amount of jumping in response to touch and various other stimulation methods.
The whole area is a ‘happy’ place, comfortable to him to receive appreciation but, and perhaps even unbeknownst to him, it’s not his bottom that is the key location: its the swooping crest from inner thigh that runs from directly underneath his pelvis to the outer edge of the crease beneath his cheek as he stands there. (pictured below where you can actually see the crease; it is directly to either side of his testicles).

There are many more and for similar reasons you use visual clues mentioned earlier to detect them. For a short list: Mid to upper crest of the ear. Note the red color? A cool slow breath (as if silently whistling or cooling off a hot liquid) across there but then gently bite and exhale across the lobe warming it. After that comes the roads less traveled like back of knee, inner thigh above knee but stopping mid-thigh.
These things are like untangling a mass of strings: you start with the piece you can readily work with and go from there. He loves his butt, share that appreciation with him and then show him just how little he’s experienced of what his body can do.
Part Two: Control Points.

The thing about control and submission is that what you (as a dom) need to do most is to use a boys instinct against himself, so that he goes further into the ‘headspace’ of submission. By making his body ‘revolt’ against his control you help strip that illusion from him so he can truly get the release he needs.To do this you play on the basic instinct that pleasure is something you wish to prolong and increase.
It’s base instinct to want to remain where you feel good, and there are somethings you can do that feel VERY good to someone else but by slowly easing away you force them to move back to meet your touch once more. Through practice and close attention you won’t need to move much at all to demonstrate the control I’m talking about here.
In the case of places like this on the body the image gives me a few to work with. If my memory serves, this and the original also expose those same places. Pushing down on the small of his back, a moderate grip on the nape of his neck, pinning his hands to either of those two places, these are a basic idea of what I’m talking about here.
Taking it further with a finger tip in the right place, with the right pressure, you don’t need to use your hands to keep a boy prone and no I don’t mean on his boybutton. That’s too easy. Control, to be effective, can’t be common or easily shaken off like that can be. I mean very specific places that can literally control a boy’s physical motions. Those are more ‘hardcore’ and uncomfortable in general but a bit of discomfort can ground a boy and keep him from drifting too far away without being guided there.
I think of them like anchors or tethers, they keep him close to home while things are going on. The trick with some is in how you use them. The backs of his knees for example. If he’s to ‘stay with his hands on the wall’ then stepping in behind him and knocking them up slightly so he has to sit back onto your legs can cause that momentary feeling of falling that’s immediately replaced by being caught and safe again. Done right, there is no risk of falling but it is that instinct that we’re playing with here.
The most obvious control points I touched on earlier in this section: the wrists (overlapped and placed on either the small of the back, or over the nape of his neck for double control effect) and when you combine that with one of the other two spots (being the same nape or back spot) while pressing the wrist into the other a boy gets a sense of being completely under control.
To illustrate the combination:
His hands are brought together in the small of his back. My right hand firmly holds them in place. My knees snake in behind his and by lifting upward with my feet I destabilize him making him stagger or hop slightly which is when I step in and ensure he goes no where but back onto my legs and against my chest. With my left hand hand I press his neck into the wall as I gently lean foward and slide a quick cooling breath down his ear before I bite the lobe and growl.
I think you get the idea.
A boy’s body is both map and guidebook to a trained eye. There are so many ways a body betrays you that there are numerous books written about it. I however am not interested in ‘lie detection’ or playing poker. The only game that happens with me is that I can hear your body talking and we are both conspiring to get rid of that pesky fear of losing control. You don’t have to worry about that when dealing with a Daddy, but especially not with me. I’m going to break you and your body is going to tell me how.

Especially if you have sex that is something besides “missionary with the lights off” a foundational knowledge of the central nervous system and anatomy can reap many benefits.
Let us again look to the first picture that Dirtydaddythings posted. He sees The Booty. A bodyworker (or perhaps a sleep deprived medical student) would see a clear path to the spinal column, which of course is a clear path to the Central Nervous System, or as I like to think of it, the strings of a marionette.
When discussing erogenous zone and control points, what is being activated are the nerves, both central, sympathetic and parasympathetic. Dont worry, Im gonna show, not tell.
Before we move immediately to The Booty, as DDT does, I want to draw your attention to the boy’s neck area, which is practically shouting for a firm hand to grip it, tenderly but secure to really get into the boy’s mind and help him shut it off. We know it works, and how good it feels for the one on the receiving end.
But why?

Ok, everybody, reach with one to the back of your head. With a finger, gently! feel for the little divot between the back of the skull and the two sides of the neck muscles meeting at the center point.
That divot space is the external occipital protuberance, because it sticks from the occipit bone on the outside of the skull. This area accumulates a lot of knots due to stress and movement, which is why massaging the scalp helps relieve some types of headaches.
A finger there, or under the chin, tipping a boy’s face up, up and thereby closing the space between head and shoulder ridge, are *very* effective for this reason. It is a physically vulnerable spot, and a major area of nerves, and blood flow. Anything you do to this part of the body directly speaks to the lizard brain (those instincts DDT was talking about earlier) sitting cradled in the back of the skull.
Moving along now!

Continuing down, we finally (!!!) reach The Booty

Im gonna share a secret with y’all. You can quickly lower someone’s blood pressure knowing what you know now.

However, there is one last thing…

Consider the power then, in your thumbs. The control in “control points” is actually a very subtle thing. It’s not about throwing one’s weight around or yanking a boy’s hair to direct him for a blowjob. Instead, it is about precision. A true Alpha or Dom need never raise their voice or their fist to drive the point home (lolol, point).
Instead, you can nimbly pluck the nerve’s of your sub’s body like a skilled musician giving a virtuoso performance.
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