anonymous asked:
I want to find a daddy to treat me like his good boy but I have no self
confidence and I feel not good looking even if most of people I know
say I'm really cute... What can I do to be more confident and then try
to find my daddy ? :(I want you to picture an out of focus face, just like when you are waking up how nothing is clear. You know who it is, it’s the Daddy you’ve been looking for, so you don’t have to rush to make his face clear. I don’t want you to think heavily on what he looks like because that’s not important right now. What I want you to concentrate on is how him being close to you makes you feel. You’re where you dream of, with the kind of person who treats you the way you imagine. That is what I want you to feel.
This is the man who treasures you because of who you are. He calls you HIS boy just as you call him your Daddy. You’re his little prince, his baby boy, his son. Imagine the feeling of him smiling as he says ‘good morning son’ as you start to wake up curled up next to him with his arm around you. There no rush to get out of bed, or to run around or to ever leave that embrace. You’re home because he needs you there as much as you need to be there beside him.
Feel the way his hand caresses your cheek as he says ‘hello beautiful. I missed you’. You haven’t gone anywhere, you’ve been at his side since he said ‘good night son’, but he’s been asleep even after he watched you drift off peacefully in his arms. You know he’s missed you because he wasn’t awake to share those moments with you. Think about that smile you feel creep on your face as you whisper ‘good morning Daddy’, as you see his smile come into focus.

Freeze the image RIGHT there.
How does that you feel there? Is he concerned about what the mirror tells him? Does that you care one whit for the cruel words that have crept into your beliefs about yourself? Have all those thoughts vanished and been replaced by that warm glow that can make the world shrink down to the span of his arms? Do you see an ounce of dissatisfaction in his face, hear any disappointment in his voice, or feel less than perfect in that place with him?This is what you are looking for, isn’t it? If I’m right, then there is something I have to tell you that’s equally uneasy to hear.
What you believe about yourself is what you become. If you believe yourself to be ‘ugly’, then you are ugly because you will withdraw and turn away when someone shows a different opinion. If He, this ideal Daddy in your vision, were to take notice of you would you be afraid to meet his gaze or smile in return when he does? Would you shrink away from him because you feel unworthy or will you open your arms to meet his and simply accept that he believes you’re everything he’s been looking for too?
You create that corner of reality where your beliefs about yourself become your reality. Telling yourself things like ‘i’ll never have that kind of love’ or ‘i’m not good enough to be his boy’, then you wont’ be because you will never TRY to be. You will shuffle your feet, lower your eyes and conceal yourself from the world because it’s so much easier to be right than to be wrong.
You do not have to try to be perfect, or worthy, or deserving before you can find ‘him’. The only thing you HAVE to do is to be yourself and to have the courage Remember that those things aren’t yours to judge, he’ll be the one to decide. To the right man, the one who will share that kind of ‘vision’ with you, every aspect of ‘you’ will be something he cares for. This isn’t a platitude. It is a cold, stone, truth.
So I want you to think about that feeling of being there with him. I want you to remember how that you felt being there. I want you to see that those thoughts that make you feel less than confident are purely within you,and none of them truly matter at all. You are the one that can put them aside and walk away from them. You do not have to become some super confident strutting fool, you only ever need to muster the bravery to not ignore the moment when it comes.
If, and when, it comes and you hear that pounding in your chest, the feeling of nausea from the sudden sensation of dropping, the only thing you have to be is yourself. You don’t have to think yourself perfect, no one is in reality. You simply have to accept that to him you are. You don’t have to believe you’re a common image of beauty because to him you will be an UNCOMMON beauty, a rare and precious treasure.
Confidence is attractive yes, but so is happiness and one can lead to another. Carry that moment within you and let it help you push aside that doubt when it appears. It’s where you deserve to be. but you don’t even have to believe me. He will tell you himself.

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