Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Life of a (D)addy.

There are many names for different aspects of adult sexuality. Most of which I find derogatory and other even offensive. I don't believe my life is one of kink, or belongs in the realm of fetish lifestyle because those words have connotations that don't apply to me or my life. Unfortunately the world and I continue to disagree on what is an isn't deviant behavior. I don't like the 'vanilla' oppression nor the normative efforts of gay society. What I am has ancient roots and this is what they look like today.

I am a Daddy.

I use the notation of (D) because it relates to the Dominant aspect of the Dominant Dad and submissive son, lifestyle between two consenting adults mutually participating in this form of relationship. This blog is an extension of my 'virtual' diary which is spread across social sites. This one is going to be focused on my literary works in this field because I feel its time to begin publishing my work in a more legitimate fashion. In the near future a series of short stories, a 'manual' and perhaps some erotica will be released on kindle relating to this lifestyle.

I will be sharing some of my works from other sites that address this 'fetish' lifestyle and illustrates the definitions of words used to avoid confusion and improper assumption or attribution to my meanings. For now this is a start. The rest comes later.

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