Thursday, October 29, 2015

Being a Good Boy: The Nine Rules.

The Nine Rules Good Boy's follow.
These are in no particular order, and these rules are expected to be followed by a Good boy, because Daddy follows them from the start.
Respect: You have the right to your feelings, to be sad or angry when those moments come, but at no time should 'angry words' that degrade, abuse or diminish the value of your Daddy be used. Physical violence in any form is absolutely forbidden, Daddy would never strike you no matter how angry he may get, so you should never ever let your anger dominate you instead of your love for Daddy. You respect who Daddy Is as a person, then your partner, THEN as Daddy. Words like "Sissy, Faggot, and Pussy" are used to degrade and punish, and should not be used about your self or your Daddy. The shortest road to being a "Bad Boy" is to degrade/disrespect yourself. Do not wallow in self pity, negative thoughts about yourself, or allow your self esteem to stop Daddy from loving you the way he wants to, and you need him to. Blame, when properly placed is fine, but do not constantly apologize for everything like you expect to be beaten if you don't.
Honor: Honor may sound similar to respect at first glance but it goes further and touches upon very special things. Honor is more about thoughts, feelings, wishes and desires both in public and private. In public, Daddy would not force you to display affection you might be uncomfortable with, and if you tell him so, he will honor that wish, just as you should honor his boundaries in public and private. Respect can be seen as understanding, where Honoring is obeying the limits that respect creates. By honoring and respecting your Daddy, just as he does you, you two mutually create the shape and scope of your relationship in and outside of the bedroom.
Submission: This is NOT how it sounds at first. A Good boy does submit but not in the 'usual' way. A good boy does not throw away his wants, needs, desires, free will, or person-hood in favor of Daddy's will. Quite the opposite. Those things are what made Daddy want you to be his son, why would he throw those away? Daddy gives you permission (when you ask for it) to explore your desires, dreams and fantasies together with his guidance and help to realize them. The only explicit domination Daddy exerts is his desire to have you 'ask' for permission, even if you know it will be granted, purely as a formality. The greatest gift is a boy's submission to the pleasure Daddy wishes to give him, and to his own desires to please Daddy. If we respect the roles we have accepted, and honor the limits we set for each other, and submit to mutually created lives, we become truer to ourselves and our innermost needs.
Companionship: A boy is a natural companion to his Daddy. Able to be by his side at any event, on any outing, or just together for no reason other than to be close. Be comfortable accompanying Daddy anytime he wishes. Listen to his stories, as he listens to yours. Ask about his Day, fill the empty places that a partner would fill, but go further and fill that space set aside for a son and companion. It is the place he wishes you to be in, and one you belong in. Take the time to be supportive of his efforts, respect his need to work and his space (if any is needed or required). Always be the good companion, there to accept his attention, affection and the time he wishes to spend with you.
Passion: Daddy has already given you permission to be the passionate, sexual creature you are meant to be. Do not restrain or deny this side of yourself, unless it violates other rules listed here or created between you and your Daddy. You would not want him to be cool all the time in bed, or in foreplay for him to be unresponsive, so do not be that way to him.
Affection: Express your affection in every way possible. This shows your appreciation for all that Daddy is and does for you and with you. Kiss your Daddy as often as he and you are comfortable. This is your chance to demonstrate you appreciate him, find creative ways to do so beyond sex. Sex is only one way to appreciate you Daddy. Hold hands, cuddle with him in bed, snuggle on the couch watching movies together, sit next to him at mealtime, smile as often as you can at him. Express your love without words as often as possible. Use the language of love even more so.
Caring: When your Daddy is having a 'bad day', feels sad, or upset, or even angry at something, do your best to be supportive of him without being oppressive or denying him the right to have his feelings. He would not want you to be sad for long, but understands the need for such feelings and does his best to make you feel better. As you should for him as often as you can. It is part of being a loving, good boy to care for your Daddy's well being, happiness and comfort.
Love: This is a simple rule. Love your Daddy. Do not simply obey, submit and be a toy for his pleasure. Truly love him as he loves you. A Daddy holds you in a special place in his heart, as you should with him. Discover together how your love manifests between you both.
Commitment: This is the bond of trust.It means being true and faithful to your Daddy, as he should be to you. In this age it especially means no side play with others without the consent or sharing with each other at the same time. Commitment is as important to keep as the love you share. If the Love is broken, the relationship can heal over time or end. If the commitment, the trust, is broken then there may be no real return to what you had before. Trust may be given at the start, but you must continue to earn it and remain committed to what you have gained or you risk its complete destruction. There cannot be casual infractions of commitment for a son or a Daddy, as it breaks the relationship in a way that throws its entire value into question.

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