((Visual representations will accompany this lesson on my tumblr with references to this article. ))
During the lesson of silence, you speak when spoken to, and only in response to what Daddy has to ask you or tells to you. How then do you communicate with him, to tell him what you need, how you feel or anything else? You use proper body language that conveys a single, focused, message. It is far too easy to be confused when trying to express yourself, your body language can betray the truth even when you are ashamed or afraid to say something, and Daddy is an expert listener.
It becomes important then to be able to say the same thing with every fiber of your body, to express your Truth and your self without saying a single word. Your body has been awakened, brought to attention, by Daddy's efforts but you need to say something. You need to say; "thank you, more, harder, please, I'm ready, cum in me, or yes Daddy," but you know that you aren't yet supposed to speak on your own.While it is always easier to say it out loud, being able to say it with your face is even more powerful because it shows you are dedicated in that moment to concentrating every ounce of energy on pleasing him, even those you'd use to speak.
I love to hear you moan and beg but this lesson is about how to speak. Any fool can talk, but a boy learns to listen, feel and choose his words carefully and thus he SPEAKS when he opens his mouth.He doesn’t mutter or mumble, doesn’t waste time and doesn’t lie. He learns to do the same, earnestly, without uttering a word or even a moan by using his body. This means eyes, hands, legs, every part of you that doesn't have a mouth can learn to speak if you teach it to, and that is what the lesson of silence is about.
Here are some guidelines and hints on how to communicate with your Daddy using facial expressions:
Expression #1: How to say "Please Daddy":
The purpose of this expression is to express how painful the need is, how deep the ache and how desperate you are for more. When Daddy is teasing you, or before the fucking starts, this is the time when He wants to hear you ask and beg for him to go further. A practice tip here is to hold onto the memory of Daddy teasing you, how that makes your body feel, and look into a mirror so you can see what your face is doing. You can also masturbate and when you think about begging Daddy, take a look then. You'll start to notice a few things (even if you have to hang a picture of him to stare at, whatever helps make the expression genuine when you look at it).
The Details: Eye contact is key here, stay locked deep in his eyes. He needs to see it in you as much as you need to see yes in his. Keep them open but with a slightly pained expression while raising your eyebrows as if asking a question. That's exactly what you're doing, ASKING and you need to express that with just your face. Let your lips open like you want a kiss, to speak, but gently bite them to keep from speaking. The greater the need on your face, the more arousing it is for Daddy so this one becomes a very helpful skill to master.
The Visual:

Expression #2: How to say "More Daddy"
This is how you encourage your Daddy to give you more of what you want. When the tip slides in fully after being teased this is the time when you want to convey a mixture of feelings: satisfaction, release of that pained expression of 'please', the pleasure of feeling him inside you for the first time this session, and of course "thank you". To really show how much you need more, you first have to show how good even that little bit is because that may be all he gives you for some time. You are grateful for what you've gotten but want more, much more and this is how you do it.
The Details: Close your eyes, let your head fall back, lower your 'please Daddy' pained expression be replaced by a slight, sharp intake of air as you start to smile. Relaxing your expression shows how much the teasing pressure has released and how much you appreciate that he gave you what you asked for. Go through the motions, without the sound, of saying yes and really meaning it, then lock eyes again and show how happy that moment was for you. This encouragement shows Daddy that you aren't only ready, but that you need more from him.
The Visual:

Expression #3: How to say "I'm ready Daddy"
This is used in a number of places during sex, most often before Daddy begins penetration, but sometimes it is after he's in but not all the way yet. Daddy likes to tease with every inch but it also makes sure he isn't hurting his boy, so he takes his time. He knows when you truly are ready, but you can signal him that you need more, and are ready for him to do more than tease.
The Details: Using a less 'pained' expression than 'please Daddy' you mix it with 'more Daddy' and show a relaxed face while making eye contact. The you can smile a little with a slightly furrowed brow, showing your willingness to relax and enjoy what is about to happen. With practice you can learn to ask for a kiss with this expression, drawing him in closer. A slow, quiet, exhale while maintaining eye shows that you are now back under your own control and are ready to begin. It's the flag that signals you're truly ready to begin.
The Visual:

Expression #4: How to say "You're so big Daddy!"
It doesn't matter how many times Daddy's been in there, you both need to know it's still appreciated and one way to do that is by using this expression. It's a major confidence boost to a Daddy to know his boy loves how full he feels when Daddy is inside him. It's true of course, but Daddy gets a little bit harder when you show him just how much you need that feeling.
The Details: Widen your eyes as if surprised a little, open your mouth slowly then bite your lip. A slow intake of air, not a gasp, as if preparing to moan. If you feel one about to start, stifle it (to tease Daddy a little) and when he gives you permission, let it out and relax your face as you continue to keep your eyes open and maintain eye contact.
The Visual:

Expression #5: How to Say "oh god Daddy!"
This is where things start to heat up. You need to say so much, to moan, to let out the sounds you feel building in your head and body, but you know you aren't allowed to yet. It's making it hurt as you stifle them, making your body writhe almost as much as Daddy is. He's your permission to enjoy sex, but now he is teaching you to go further and so you must listen, but you HAVE to show appreciation for the full weight and depth of Daddy's passion so you use a 'shifting' expression like "oh god Daddy". This one is more involved as it isn't a 'fixed' expression you maintain any part of from one moment to the next. You keep changing it as he moves from the tip to the base inside you.
The Details: When Daddy is all the way in and the fucking has really begun, let all those feelings out through your face. Please, more and you're so big rolled into one. mouth open, sharp intakes of breath, a furrowed brow like you are trying to concentrate on staying relaxed and open for Daddy. Bite and/or lick your lips every once in a while. Tremble your lips, flutter your eyes occasionally as you alternate between eyes shut tight when he's all the way inside and wide open as he hits your prostate.
The Visual:
Expression #6: How to say "Harder Daddy!"
It's important to not attempt to command Daddy, but you can ask/beg/plead with him using your face just as easily as with words. This face is accompanied by body changes, but those are a different matter and usually beyond your control, so your job becomes to translate those sensations into feelings and then those feelings into expressions on your face. This is where you are buckling down, bracing yourself, and signaling you need him to give you everything he wants and has to give. This is much further than 'fuck me Daddy' (an expression not taught because every single one says that) because it's already happening and if you were in control you'd be trying to break your hips by pulling Daddy into you, but you can't. You have to do that with your eyes.You have to SHOW him you want it hard, rough and deep, and this face is how you do it.Think about how terrible it would feel if he were to stop RIGHT now and pull out. How much would your body ache, how painful the shuddering and emptiness would be and how sad you would be that he wasn't there anymore. Let that out in your face. Show Daddy all those things but especially that you want everything he has and there is no place you'd rather be. This stage is VERY difficult to remain in vocal control, and most Daddies don't ask you to be in complete control (this is the stage where most of us like to break that control and force the sounds out of you) but practice that self control anyway.
The Details: The 'pain' returns to your face here; furrowed brow, eye contact, sharp intakes of air as well as slow breaths. Panting, alternating closed eyes, show the frenzy that's building inside you.
The Visual:

Expression #7: How to say "Thank you Daddy!" (midway version)
Once things have hit a boiling point, and you've relaxed and truly started showing him how much you it's important to let him see just how much you are into what's happening. This is useful when Daddy is hitting 'the zone' and has hit his stride in fucking you. Without moving from where he's put you, staying as he put you, you need to express the desire to laugh, to hug him, to shout and cry out how much you love feeling him inside you. This comes especially when he's giving you exactly what you need, even if you didn't realize it was until he started giving it to you. You have the task now of doing all of these things at once and encouraging him to not let up, stop or even slow down. You want more, all of it, NOW and you have to make sure he doesn't feel like you're losing interest because you've finally relaxed and are now 'getting into' the action fully. You're here, in the moment, with him and lost in the feeling together.
The Details: Narrow your gaze a little showing you are focused on his face, smile showing how much his passion makes you come alive. Furrowed brow to 'check in' with him and invite him in to a kiss and a deeper stroke. Using variations on More, Please, and Oh God, keep his attention on your face by showing everything you are feeling. Let him see how much you need to do more than lay there and take it. Your expression is key to him understanding that you are HIS boy and you love everything that's happening. Beg with your eyes by showing him that you need him to cum inside you. You're a happy boy right now, and you want him to see it. Smile, bite your lip, slightly longer breaths and don't break eye contact except to fling your head back and gasp.
The Visual:
Expression #8 How to say "am I a good boy Daddy?"
It's important for you to ask, because hearing it is it's own reward. More than the pounding he's giving you, the sound of his voice telling you that you are HIS good boy is a deeper pleasure still. It's much more than a check in because it shows him how much you need to be his boy, to be everything he needs you to be and how much his pleasure is your pleasure. This one can tip Daddy over the edge almost as much as the next one (#9: "Can I cum Daddy?") does.
The Details: Bring the combination of please Daddy and more Daddy back in equal parts. Take gasping breaths with a furrowed brow and the 'needful pained' eyes. Pant a little, and let your face show how much you ache for him to say it. When he does: let thank you Daddy return again before moving on to the last two faces in this lecture.
The Visual:

Expression #9 : How to say " please, can I cum Daddy?"
You're nearing the end of your ability to hold out and you know you aren't far from one orgasm or another and you want his permission to go all the way. The pleasure he'll receive is not only from seeing his accomplished work, but in feeling your internal contractions. Your focus here is to show him how close you are to losing control. There are uncontrollable physical actions at this, so don't worry about those as much as expressing everything happening in your body on your face. Here is where you REALLY bring it for Daddy.
The Details: Close your eyes, let your head fall back and rise back up to meet his gaze before falling back again with short intakes of breath. Opening and closing your eyes, with a pained, concentrated expression showing him your need and your focus on being a 'good boy' for him. Use "am I a good boy" with: oh god, more, please, harder and really let him show how rampant your emotions are running and how frenzied your need to cum is.
The Visual:

Expression #10: How to say "Thank you Daddy" when he's cum inside you.
The feeling of his release, his shudders, his groans, those are your greatest pleasure and now is the time to show appreciation without breaking again and staying a good boy. You don't move unless he says to because you want him to stay inside, to feel him there as long as possible and because you now it might just start all over again soon. As he is appreciating you for being a good boy, you need to show him that the feeling is different now, showing a sense of completeness, that your purpose has been fulfilled. You're his good boy, and you need to show him how much being his good boy means to you.Now is when you show him that it's more than a passing lust but a lasting need you have for Daddy. You're need for him isn't finished because you need his arms around you, to hold you and show you how much he treasures you beyond being his for sex. This sounds simple enough, but to really do it right will earn much more affection from Daddy.
The Details: Fix your eyes on his, soften your expression, let out air slowly as you smile. Relax your face, lay your head back, shudder slightly before giving him an impish, cheeky, grin. All the elements of thank you Daddy (mid way) should be on your face while searching his eyes for one more 'good boy'.
The Visual:

This is only a primer for Facial Expressions for a boy to use when he is instructed to be quiet by his Daddy. Each boy will have his own unique expressions/variations because his face is different. These visuals show a variety of faces and express the desired 'phrase' from these ten basics. I usually teach these faces by ensuring the emotions are genuine and rewarding their proper use with reinforcement of greater affection and verbal/physical appreciation so their use remains fixed in my boys mind. His concentration should be on expressing his desires and feelings to his Daddy as he is permitted by the form of 'training' he's undergoing. These are my personal experiences and I share them to point to self discovery and for boys to teach themselves how to do these things so they can please their Daddy. Should a Daddy wish to adopt them as part of his routines, further lessons on how to 'instruct' a boy in achieving the goals I lay out will be a future project.
For now boys, remember that your face is key to expression.
Learn it, train it, use it.
You'll thank me later.
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